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1. Do you accept insurance?


 No, we do not accept insurance. Email and set up a phone or video call to discuss payment options, or if you have questions about payment plans. We do accept all major credit cards and bank transfers. 


Benefits of not using insurance:
Insurance can make therapy less expensive, why not use it? I've come to believe that your privacy is more secure without the involvement of insurance companies. This is why:

* Insurance requires a diagnosis before granting benefits. Most people simply do not have a mental illness; but are wise enough to know they need help with the concerns that bring them to therapy. To diagnose everyone is to unnecessarily pathologize you.

* Insurance can review your treatment plans, progress, and also limit sessions. I tend to give more time during sessions when needed as it benefits you. With insurance, we are not allowed to do that.
* Insurance has limited coverage and often do not cover marital and family therapy. 

​* Insurance does not provide 100% anonymity whereas paying out-of-pocket does.


2. ​ Do I HAVE to receive a mental health diagnosis in order to receive services?


Please note that here at Transformative Minds you will not be diagnosed with anything that you do not have. That being said, private pay clients have the option to engage in services without being formally diagnosed. Individuals utilizing insurance benefits will need to have a mental health diagnosis for billing purposes, which we do not currently accept.


3. Is what I say in counseling kept confidential?


 Transformative Minds follows the professional, legal and ethical guidelines of the Australian Counselling Association and American Psychological Association. Hence, all information that we discuss in counseling is not shared with anyone without your written permission. However, there are some exceptions to confidentiality. If we find out that there is the possibility of harm to you or another person, or cases of abuse, we are mandated to report this information to the appropriate authorities. 


4. How long does a counseling session take?


​Counseling sessions are usually 60 minutes and most people see their counselor at least once a week, this time can be adjusted based on your needs. 


5. Do I have to get a referral to be seen?


​While we do accept referrals, you do not need one to see us. If you do not have a referral, you may contact us for a consultation and we can begin working together after that. 



​6. Who is your target population?


Transformative Mind serves anyone seeking counselling and is open to real time eTherapy/ online counselling via video chat (Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime). You may find out more about our services under the "Therapy Services" tab.


7. Where will sessions be held?


We are currently offering eTherapy or Telehealth visits services. To learn more about eTherapy click here


8. Do you provide Couple’s Counseling Services?


Yes, we do.


9. What forms of payment do you accept?


We currently accept bank transfers and credit/debit cards.  We do not accept checks at this time. All clients will be required to pay for eTherapy/Telehealth services via electronic methods (bank transfer).


10. COVID-19 Policies:


We continue to monitor the situation and have made the following adjustments: offering Telehealth appointments.

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